Friday, December 19, 2008

Good Morning

Here's an article from 1990 by Paul Weyrich who passed away yesterday.

On the Minnesota recount. From Powerline and Weekly Standard. Not looking good for the good guys.

Nut-job lefty president-elect brings crackpot scientist on as adviser.

Go look at this. It's funny.

Saddam and the Shoe Thrower

I'm commenting on an article at the Daily Beast. I find alot of non conservatives read the Beast and the comments aren't as heavy as some sites so I can have some effect.

Here's my opening salvo.

So, this isn't some popular hero but a representative of a vicious regime trying to get back in power.

And go figure that having deposed a Sadaam Hussein whose favorites have to contend with those they ruled for influence that they'd hold a grudge.

Genuine representative rule in Iraq is a good thing.

I'll update with the thread when it's done.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

A Handful of Links

Paul Weyrich has died.

'I Pencil' turns 50

Milton Friedman on the Minimum Wage

Ideas on Strategy from Patrick Ruffini. Related, statistician William Briggs talks about the wisdom of raising taxes when people have less.

More strategic thinking, this time from American Spectator. We Republicans win with limited government as our standard.

Discussions on the Minnesota recount from SCSU scholars and Powerline.

Finally, we lionize our pro athletes but R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. reminds us that our greatest athletes don't play in big stadiums but in much more hostile environs. Where, when the opposition promises to take their head off, it's not just a metaphor.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

On the Auto Bailout

I had written Senator Coleman regarding the UAW bailout package. He had voted against the bailout in the closure vote. Today I received a response that talked about compromises and remaining committed to the success of the Auto Industry.

I replied as follow.

Remember that we Republicans win when we hold the line and advance the ball on limited government. Our dip in popularity is not because we didn't spend enough and not because we didn't intervene enough but why would anyone vote for a Republican when they can get the same thing from a Democrat.

We should not bail out any industry, not for some populist reason of bailing out fat cats or because they brought it on themselves. We should not bail out any industry because any bailout expands the power of government and sets back the cause of Liberty.


A handful of links.

Why inflation is good from the 1930s

Why Keynsienism won't work from the Cato Institute.

A marine returning from Iraq surprises his 5 year old son at school.

A free market newsletter published for years by mail now all online. Sadly, the original publisher is no longer with us.

Finally, Santa vs. Bin Laden.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

New Blog

Here we go. I wanted a place to share some comments I make on various articles and various writings I feel are important to the cause of Liberty. I also hope to have a little fun here so it's not all politics and economics.