I enjoyed this exchange yesterday on #tcot. @kaijuisme, feel free to leave your evidence in the comments for this post.
DDoutel: @Servius Bingo! The best of liars are those that can lie to themselves and believe it. #tcot
@DDoutel @DaveNF2G @kaijuisme They've fallen for the big lie. Having chanted Bush Lied, Bush Tore up the Const, they now believe it. #tcot
DDoutel: RT @DaveNF2G: @Servius Right on! Let's see the names of those defendants that @kaijuisme is so sure exist. #tcot
DaveNF2G: @Servius Right on! Let's see the names of those defendants that @kaijuisme is so sure exist. #tcot
Servius: @kaijuisme Prove it. Go find the law, look it up, and read it. Then post it. You can find my blog through my twitter page. #tcot
kaijuisme: @Servius No. I am talking about the Patriot Act, and its intent to combat "terrists". It has only been used against citizens. #
@kaijuisme But you're probably thinking of the laws enacted in the attempt to combat the drug trade. #tcot
Servius: @kaijuisme Find the citation and I'll believe it. Until then you're making it up. #tcot
kaijuisme: @Servius You do realize the Patriot Act allows the Feds to confiscate people's bank accounts, right? #tcot
Servius: @kaijuisme Oh, and you've never heard of FD (Let's confiscate everybody's gold) R #tcot
Servius: @kaijuisme I could say, "Only in your fevered imagination." #tcot
Servius: @kaijuisme Simply not true. #tcot
kaijuisme: @Servius Alien & Sedition Act was just one. Bush did more. Most of the Bill of Rights, except the 2nd Amendment. Trashed. #tcot
@kaijuisme You said "Bush did more to deny Constitutional freedoms than any other POTUS in history. " Now go read history and learn. #tcot
kaijuisme: @Servius "Alien & Sedition Acts?" Really. Can you say Red Herring? #tcot
kaijuisme: @Servius Compromise on freedom? Laughable. Bush did more to deny Constitutional freedoms than any other POTUS in history. #tcot
kaijuisme: @Servius Obama is about as centrist as they come. In your mind there is no road to compromise for the sake of America's success? #tcot
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